If your batter is still watery after adding 4 tablespoons, it is probably best to start a fresh batch. How long is Velveeta mac and cheese good for after the expiration date Velveeta lasts about 6 months (observe the date on the label) unopened and about 8 weeks after opening. Too much flour can lead to tough, dry brownies. Add the flour one tablespoon at a time, mixing the batter completely before adding another. If the batter seems runny, add a few tablespoons flour to thicken it. This is a quick and easy method to revive your dry brownies, but be sure to serve them immediately as they will quickly harden again. Put the brownies in the prewarmed oven for one to two minutes. How long do brownies last in the fridge When it comes to the shelf life of brownies, there arent any hard and fast rules. Line a pan with parchment paper and place cut brownie pieces on top. Place the brownies in the refrigerator for an hour.You will be guaranteed a chewy brownie if you under-bake the treat and cool it in the fridge. Instead of soft and fudgy, these are more likely to be dry and crumbly. If you've waited to take your brownies out of the oven until there are no more crumbs stuck to the toothpick, brace yourself for the disappointment of overcooked brownies. It will always be best to consume it before its targeted expiration. However, it does not mean you can store it forever. Waiting until there are no more crumbs stuck to the toothpick. The best thing about dry pasta is that it is shelf-stable, and you can keep it for a long time in your pantry. There are those that would describe the perfect brownie as cakey with an airier interior, and then there are those who prefer them on the fudgier side. If your batch is still not fudgy enough, gradually increase the amount of butter and chocolate, or decrease the flour. When cool, the brownies harden slightly and also taste better. It's tempting to dig right in, but set the pan on a cooling rack and wait for at least two to four hours before cutting brownies. Another reason brownies might be too moist in the middle is because you're cutting them too soon. Why are my brownies too gooey in the middle? Simply take them out before they are done, leave them out for a few minutes, put them back, and wait. You can even do this if you didn't make a mistake. If your brownies are mushy and you like them a bit dry, this is a great option for you. What can you do if you undercook brownies? Allow the brownies to cool completely before you even attempt to cut them! Always wipe the knife after each cut, making sure you knife is nice and clean with no brownie residue. When the brownies are hot, they will be quite soft and almost impossible to cut neatly.