Click on OK to dismiss the Field Options dialog box.(If you are using Word 2002 or later, you can skip to step 11.) In the Formatting list, choose the option for capital letters (A B C.).If you are using Word 97 or Word 2000, click on Options.Choose Section in the Field Names list.Make sure the Numbering category is selected in the Categories list.Position the insertion point in the section where you want page numbers.
You can then set up your page numbers this way: If all the sections of your manuscript are in a single document file, just make sure you have a real section break between each of your sections. Click the Close Header and Footer tool near the right side of the.
Word displays some options for your page number. Microsoft Word automatically assigns page numbers on the pages of your document.
Click the Page Number tool in the Header & Footer group. Add Page Numbers in Word 2010, In this chapter, we will discuss how to add page numbers in Word 2010.
Format your header or footer as desired. If you are using a newer version of Word, go to step 5. Click on the Insert Page Number button. Type the section letter followed by a dash. (You can switch between the header and footer areas by clicking the Switch Between Header and Footer button.) Make sure you are viewing the header or footer area, consistent with where you want your page numbers. Choose View | Header and Footer to display the headers and footers of the document. For instance, if each "section" is actually a different document file, then you simply need to set your page numbers this way: Exactly how you do this depends on how you have your documents set up. For instance, you may want them numbered as A-1, A-2, A-3, etc. Once for the first pages in each for your chapters and once for the rest of the pages.In many documents you may have a need to number your pages with a section number as a preface. If you used a different page header or footer in your word 2010 document, you have to insert page numbers two times. Here is a tip to save you from the trouble to find out what is going on and there are no page numbers at the bottom of the first page in each chapter, in case you used different first page footers or headers. You can do so by going to the "Insert" tab, the "Header and Footer" section and by clicking on "Page Number" then "Bottom of Page" and insert page numbering. Now, perhaps you would like to use different headers for each chapter in your word document but page numbers as the footer. Type your preferred header and footer for each chapter and you are good to go. If you would like to use a different footer as well for each of the chapters in your word document, go to the footer in each chapter and do the same as above by going to the "Header and Footer Tools", the "Design" tab, the "Navigation" section and unchecking "Link to Previous".Īs you type each header and footer in your document, you will notice that the header and the footer in the pages in the other chapters of your word 2010 document remain blank. If you don't want to use a different header for the first page, you can open the first page's header or in fact the header of any page in your chapter. Then type the header that you would like to use for that chapter. If you want to use a different header for the first page or leave it blank, open the second page's header and from "Header and Footer Tools", the "Design" tab and the "Options" section check "Different First Page". Now, depending on whether you would like to use a different first page header, because for example it wouldn't make much sense to include your chapter's title in the chapter's first page as it is right below, open the header of the first or the second page in your document's chapter. Uncheck "Link to Previous" for each chapter in your document.
Now open the header of each of your document's chapter and from the Header and Footer Tools and the "Design" tab, make sure that "Link to Previous" is unchecked. Repeat the same procedure, by inserting a next page section break, for each chapter in your document. So place the cursor at your chapter's title, or at the beginning of the first sentence, and from the "Page Layout" tab, "Page Setup" section, "breaks" and insert a next page section break. The first step involves inserting a next page section break at the beginning of each chapter in your document. You can also use different headers and footers in any range of pages in your document not necessarily just chapters. We will also have a look at how you can use different headers for each chapter of your document and page numbers at the bottom of your document's pages (at the footer). In this tutorial we will go over how you can use different headers and footers in each chapter of a Word 2010 document. Different Headers and Footers in each chapter of a document in Word 2010 | Different Headers and Footers in each chapter and page numbers at the bottom of each page in Word 2010 how-to tutorial