Hi RPF, having a rough day with my props. In addition, I had only practiced applying the mask three times before the occasion in these pictures- basically, I'm saying the edges around the eyes and mouth are pretty bad, please be kind about them! I wish I had a good closer picture, a photographer at the convention last weekend took at least one close up that I thought looked good, but I don't think he's put his pictures online yet.

Since this was my first mask sculpt, the sculpt wasn't perfect and I also was having a really hard time getting the mold tight enough for good thin edges. In the two pictures below I had been wearing it for eight hours and four hours respectively. This entire project was more of a learning experience than I could have ever hoped for, and I am really proud of the outcome! I had never done any real mold making (okay, I think once with fruit and plaster in school?) I had never modified a wig, and I had never painted clothes. I've really never even sculpted anything I've been remotely proud of.
#Handsome jack face paint how to
So, having never done any FX makeup before, I set out to learn how to make a prosthetic mask! Basically, I've never done anything like this before. I mean, it was just screaming to be done, right? Thats fun, but I was surprised the more I looked that I could not find a single person who had made a prosthetic. I've had a little project going the last several months, I really enjoyed the Borderlands games and I saw a lot of Handsome Jack cosplay where the cosplayers painted the mask on using makeup.